Showing all 11 results

  • a clock surrounded by tasks that need to be done for time management

    Catch Up Day Package



    Need help getting caught up… like yesterday? I will bump you to the front of the line and use a full day (8 hours) to help you catch up. Here are some of the things I can help with:

    • Data Entry
    • Email Management and Replies
    • Social Media Posts
    • Social Media Graphics
    • Scheduling Posts
    • Proofreading
    • Uploading Photos/Graphics/Files
    • Downloading Documents
    • Adding images to Posts/Pages
    • Sending Invoices
    • Responding to Emails
    • 15 Minute Consult Call Included
  • email automation in white with a blue background

    Email Automation


    Want to automate your email newsletters but not sure how?  Let me help!  I can create an email automation that allows your audience to get what they need when they need it.

  • form creation in white with a blue background and lead capture in blue with white background

    Form Creation / Lead Capture


    Need help getting things done and missing out on collecting leads in the meantime? Hire me to create lead capture forms for you in Mailchimp or Mailerlite.

  • image optimization in white with a blue background

    Image Optimization


    Image optimization on your WordPress site is important for faster site speed.  Let me help you optimize your images by resizing them to 1080 x 1080 pixels and compressing them before you upload them to your site. This service includes 25 images. ***Please Note:  Once final approval is given by you (the client) of the…

  • adding links in white with a blue background

    Internal and External Links


    Need links added to your web pages? I can help you out!  Whether the links are internal or external, text or buttons, I can do it for you and help take some of the blogging tasks off your plate.

  • Newsletter Writing


    Are  you falling behind with your email audience because you have so much to do?  Let me help with your newsletter writing so you can focus on other tasks.

  • Person Writing on a Notebook

    Optimized Blog Post


    This package takes all of your blogging work away. Let me help you by researching and writing an optimized blog post for you. Here’s what this package includes:

    • 2-3 Day Turnaround
    • 1 fully written blog post
    • 500 words
    • Competitor Research
    • Gap Analysis
    • Use of Ahrefs for Keywords
    • On-Page SEO
    • Focus Keyword
    • Up to 10 additional Keywords
    • Done for you Meta Description
    • Done for you Title
    • Teaser Text (if necessary)
    • 15 Minute Consult Call Included
  • plugin update in white with a blue background and and audits in blue with white background

    Plugin Audit / Plugin Updates


    Wordpress plugins are necessary for your site to work how you want, but boy can they cause a mess when they have not been updated in a while or the plugin update has a glitch that breaks your website.  Now you can rest easy.  I will go through all of your plugins, get rid of what you are not using, and update the plugins that need updated one…at…a…time.  That way, we will know right away if the plugin is going to break anything on the site.

  • computer screen showing an SEO optimized blog outline

    SEO Blog Post Outline


    With this package, you get 1 on -page SEO outline for a blog post with a Focus Keyword, SEO Title, SEO H2’s, researched FAQ’s, and an SEO Meta Description. (This post outline is set up to be written by you)

  • woman proofreading and editing

    Website Proofreading Services


    Just need someone to look over your work? I can help you with my website proofreading services.  I will proofread your blog posts, landing pages, front page of your website, emails, and more.

  • wordpress uploads in white with a blue background

    WordPress Uploads


    Short on time and need some help with uploading to Wordpress?  I can help!  Will will upload posts, pages, images, or files to your site.

    This purchase includes the uploading of 25 items to your Wordpress Site.