
Get Organized Series

Get Organized Series

This morning as I was driving to my favorite place, Target (lots of sarcasm here), otherwise known to me as “the money pit of America”, I thought, why on earth am I going to Target at 9:30 on a Monday morning?

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>>PRO TIP:  When I don’t know how to do something, I make sure I learn. That is why I recommend this online organization class.  From one mom to another, it is worth it to get organized so you can stay happy.

Let me just tell you.  Our weekend was busy with baby showers, birthday parties and a double header volleyball game.  Plus dinner plans two nights in a row…which is actually quite rare for us. So when today (Monday Morning!!) rolled around, I felt like I had just been slapped by the stupid fairy.  I was completely unprepared!

You would think that after being a mom for 12 years that I would have this down to a perfect little package that I could sell on Ebay, but not this morning.  It was as if I had never done this before!

Of course my mom crazy kicked in and I was off.  Packing lunches when I hadn’t even been to the grocery yet!  Making a list of things that everyone needs as I chase after them through the house yelling “toothpaste? Lotion? Dental floss?”!  Trying to figure out how to get to Target, Kroger, and the market deli (since everyone wants only the market turkey breast now on their sandwiches) and still have time to come home to work out, eat lunch and work on my blog post for today (by the way, this is not what I was supposed to write ;).  

That was my morning!  And it was horrible. I always feel so disconnected and confused on days like today.  It always reminds me why I do things a certain way every week. Groceries on Saturday or Sunday, lunches get packed Sunday night, lists get made through the week.

I thought that instead of writing about acne solutions for the 30 something mom, I would instead write about being organized and how incredibly important it is as a mom to keep you sane.  

YES! As a mom you can do chores when you want!  YES! You can cook when you want! YES! You can pack lunches when you want!  But let me just say, if you don’t want to wind up running around the house looking for little Suzy’s backpack before the bus comes, then some organization is necessary!

In my next few posts, I am going to write about some of the things I have had to organize in my house and my life in order to stay on top of all of the chaos. Stay updated on my Get Organized Series by subscribing to The Mom Survival Guide!

I hope you will join me!


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