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How To Declutter Fast: 11 Quick And Easy Tips

declutter fast

11 Tips To Declutter Your Home Fast

Is company coming? Are you trying to sell your house? Or maybe you are just worried about your mother-in-law dropping in unannounced. There are many reasons why you may want to know how to declutter fast.

Here are 12 FREE motivation tips just for you…so you can start cleaning TODAY!

I can remember trying to sell our house while I had kids at home. Anyone who has kids knows that the clutter comes back about 5 minutes after you clear it out. So I used many of these tips to help me clear the clutter fast when someone wanted to see our house.

Some of the tips can be used on a daily basis as a sort of “decluttering routine”, while others are going to give you that instant decluttering…even though it may just mean you pushed the clutter somewhere else for a little while. Whatever the reason, these tips will help you clear the clutter out fast.

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Looking for the easiest way to declutter fast? Then try the decluttering checklist below.

Are you just ready to start decluttering? See the 129 things I decluttered to keep my home tidy…

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declutter fast

How To Declutter Fast

Clutter happens when we have intentionally or unintentionally left things out around our homes. If you live there and know that you will eventually pick it up, clutter may not be a problem for you. But sometimes we need fast solutions to clutter. Here are 11 tips you will now have up your sleeve to declutter fast when you need to.

#1  Get Help To Declutter Fast

If you want to declutter your house in one day, a weekend, or even 1 hour then I would suggest getting some help.  If the task of decluttering is big and you need it done fast, make sure you have a plan of action to declutter your house fast,. Then recruit friends, family, or even a service to help you declutter your house quickly.

If you are looking to clean up smaller amounts of clutter in an hour or less, then try asking your kids or husband to help out.

#2  Make Sure Kids Are Not Home

If you know you need to declutter and you have left it until the last minute, then I would recommend setting up some child care for your kids. As moms, we all know how normal it is for our children to follow right behind up pulling out anything we have just put away.

If you need to declutter fast and it is a sudden request, maybe you could ask a neighbor or family member to help with the kids for a half hour or less.

And there is always the electronic baby sitters (tv, ipad)…in a pinch, use them.

#3  Set A Timer, Then Declutter Fast

Set a timer each day and spend that time picking up clutter.  By keeping up with your clutter every day, it will be easier to declutter fast when you really need to.

#4  Make It A Race Or A Game

If you have kids that are old enough to help you out, then you can make it a game or a race to declutter as quickly as possible.  Give each child 5 minutes to clean their room and then tell them both they did a great job and take them for ice cream!

declutter fast

#5  Throw Out The Trash First

Going around your house with a giant trash bag can help you drastically declutter the space you want to clean fast.  If you just grab every single thing from the entire house that you know needs to be thrown out, you will cut your decluttering job in half. 

#6  Collect Clutter Fast

After carrying around the trash bag for all the garbage, then you carry around a laundry basket for all the things that are out of place.  Pick up every item that is not currently in it’s proper home and place it in the laundry basket.  Do this for one room, and then take the time to put those items away.

#7  Use Decluttering Categories

One of the biggest time sucks when it comes to decluttering is taking objects that don’t belong in one space, and moving them to where they do belong. 

Instead of leaving the space every time you need to put a misplaced item away, in the trash, or out to donate, stay in the room you are decluttering but divide all of the items in the room into 4 categories.

  • Move
  • Donate
  • Trash
  • Keep in Space

Then move all the items when you are finished.

Pro Tip: Keep a decorative woven basket in each room to collect items that need to be decluttered as you go through your week.

#8  Declutter Small Areas Only

If you try to declutter too large of an area at a time you will wind up doing two things:

  1.  You will waste time walking all over the large space you are trying to declutter.
  2. You could very easily get side tracked and wind up starting a different project before you finish the decluttering project you started with.

So you can declutter fast by sticking to one small area at a time, finishing it, and then moving on to another small area.

#9  Hide The Clutter

I don’t normally recommend this, but I can honestly say I have used it before when we were trying to sell our first home.  This is not true decluttering, but if you need to get things decluttered quickly because you have last minute guests showing up, you can hide the mess under beds, in closets, and in large plastic bins that have lids.

#10  Create A Routine Where You Declutter Each Day

If you want to know how I declutter my home fast, it is by making sure that decluttering is on my stay at home mom daily schedule.  Myself, my kids, and my husband all declutter every evening before bed.  Then, if we wind up having last minute guests over, it only takes about 5 minutes to declutter a messy room.

#11  Immediately Remove Clutter From Home

After decluttering, you will have piles or bags of items that need to be taken to the garbage and to the donation center.  Don’t let those bags sit around waiting until you “get around to doing it”.  Take them where they need to go immediately so they do not cause more clutter in your home.

Keep Your Home Decluttered By Getting Organized:

I find that the best way to keep my home organized is with my home managament binder. I keep my meal plan, my daily schedule, my laundry schedule, to do list…you name it, it is in my home management binder.

>>Click Here To Check It Out


Now that you know how to declutter a house fast, there is no excuse for a cluttered home…right? Unless you have kids… and a life.

Remember to strive for progress over perfection and if you need your home decluttered fast, just do your best.

I hope these quick and easy tips to declutter fast help you declutter your home before your next guests arrive. I would love to hear any tips or tricks you may have in the comments below!

Happy Decluttering!


P.S. – If you want to be able to refer back to this post easily and any time you want, be sure you pin it to your favorite Pinterest boards!

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