14 Things Tweens Girls Want As Gifts and Will Love

14 Tween Girls Gift Ideas
Tween girls can be hard to shop for since they are coming into a new chapter of their life. They still want to love all of the cute animals, flowers, and sparkles that make things fun and little girly. But they are also starting to like things that are a little more mature too. Here are some great ideas for tween girls gift ideas this year!

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What Tweens Want For Christmas
One. Digital Photo Frame. One thing that I have found my daughter absolutely loves right now, is her friends…and taking funny pictures of herself and her friends! So when she asked for this digital photo frame, I thought… what a great idea!
Two. Black Leggings. Black leggings are a must have for any tween girl. They love the comfort of the leggings over jeans, but when they get into that older tween girl age, they stop liking the patterned and colored leggings and opt for plain old black. So these black leggings are a great tween girls gift idea.
Three. BOTIbox. This Beauty On The Inside box is specifically made for tween girls age 8-12. The box is filled with both fun and inspirational material for your daughter to learn about what it means to be beautiful on the inside.
Four. Twangled. My daughter asked for this game because a friend of hers had it, and I’ve gotta say, it is pretty much fun. She plays it all the time with us and when she has friends over, and it ends up with a lot of laughs.
Five. Pura Vida Bracelet. The Pura Vida Bracelets are another huge trend during these tween years. You will find your daughter will want to collect a ton of them. Thankfully, they are a decent price, so she could get one from you and maybe a few more from the grandparents.
Six. Vineyard Vines Shirt. For some reason, this tween age group loves Vineyard Vines Shirts. I bought my daughter 1 shirt only because they are pricey. But she loved it and wore it all the time. They are really nice and soft cotton shirts.
Seven. Chunky Knit Throw. Again with soft and warm. She is definitely predictable! But this chunky throw is so cute, that I put it on my own Christmas list as well! It will look really cute on the back of my couch and it will look great on the end of my tween daughter’s bed.
Eight. Apple Ipad. Your daughter is probably finally at an age where you could trust her to have her own Apple Ipad. This will also help her stay in contact with you through Apple messaging when she is at a friends house or extracurricular activity.
Nine. Pearl Choker Necklace. My daughter loves her pearl choker necklace and wears it every day to school.
Ten. Pinch Me Dough. I don’t know about your tween, but my tween is completely obsessed with slime and dough. That is probably why she added this smell-good pinch me dough to her list of things she wants for Christmas.
Eleven. Nike Blazer 77 Mid Rise. Any kind of black boot is nice for a tween to have so she can put some nice looking outfits together. But the newest trend happening right now, is combat boots. So I was not surprised when they showed up on my tween daughters gift list.
Twelve. Tye Dye Kit. Even though she is growing up, she is still such a kid at heart. This tye dye kit proves it. She loves being able to make her own shirts and then personalize them with my vinyl cutting machine. And since I want her to stay young at heart, I will definitely love this kit as a tween gift idea.
Thirteen. Cute Moon Wall Decor. This is a peice of ‘wall jewelry’ my daughter wants for her room. We found a similar one that she loved on Urban Outfitters, but let me say…it was super expensive. So I found this one on Amazon and it is a much better price. Especially considering she will probably change her mind about her room again in a few years.
Fourteen. Mocha Birkenstocks. These mocha colored sandals are perfect for any season. A pair of thick cozy socks work with them in the winter months, and then during the summer, they are a nice comfortable and cool alternative for wearing when hanging out with friends. You definitely need to add this to the list of things your tween wants this year!
Related Post: Christmas Dresses For Tweens
Things Tweens Like
if your tween is anything like mine, they are in limbo between the likes of a little girl and the likes of a slightly older girl (or teenager). Make sure you ask for a list of some ideas so you can personalize some of the tween girls gift ideas from above.
I hope you found some good ideas for your tween’s gifts this year!

Related Post: Christmas Outfits For Tweens

As a stay at home mom myself, I have found ways to keep myself sane and organized while loving what I do …be home with my kids! After 14 years of being home, I realized other moms may benefit from some of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years. Join me to learn ways to manage your home and life as a stay at home mom so you can make time to enjoy the best part…family. Things I love…feeling motivated, Harry Potter, being outside, and digging deeper into my life and my family’s life in order to make it better. I have a Degree in Biology and am also a freelance writer.