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The Best Clutter Free Gifts To Help You Make Life Simpler For Yourself

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Does the clutter in your home seem to sneak up on you? Like maybe after a birthday or Christmas? Then buying and asking for clutter free gifts may be just what you need. Find out some great clutter free gift ideas to help make your life simpler…and probably your family and friends lives simpler too.

clutter free gifts

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What Are Clutter Free Gifts?

Every year millions of gifts are given and received. And most of them turn into clutter that just accumulates in our homes.

So ‘clutter free gifts’ are gifts that will not clutter up a home.

As a mom and a person who hates seeing the clutter that comes into my home every time we have a birthday or Christmas, I can honestly say that I don’t ever want to bestow more clutter on others through the gifts I give.

But I also like to ask for these gifts from others so I don’t create more clutter in my own home.

Clutter free gifts are simply things that help a person experience life better or fulfill something they use all the time, so you already know they will love it.

Reasons To Buy Clutter Free Gifts

Clutter free gifts are good for keeping clutter to a minimum. Gifts that do not cause any clutter are great for people who have everything, for minimalists who want nothing, and for kids who already have too much.

Whether the gift is for you, for someone you know, or for your kids, you really can give and receive gifts that will not create more clutter in your home.

4 Categories Of Clutter Free Gifts

There are four categories that clutter free gifts can fall into:

  1. Things that can be used regularly or used up
  2. Items that can be consumed
  3. Experience Gifts
  4. Charitable Gifts

Here is a list of some gifts that will not cause more clutter for you or your friends.

clutter free gifts

Clutter Free Gifts That Will Get Used Up

A great way to give a gift that is clutter free is by giving a gift that can be used or is continuously used up by the person. These items consist of home products, personal products and craft or hobby supplies.

Some of these items are very personal to the person that you are buying for.  And if you do not know them that well, then you may be able to ask them or a close family member or friend about what their favorite items are.

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1. Beauty and Self Care Items

A great idea for clutter free gifts is beauty and self care items that you know will get used. Does your friend or family member love a certain shampoo? Or maybe there is a face serum they have had their eye on for a while? Those are great useful gifts to get them that you know they will love to use.

But I love to pamper my friends and family with some of my favorite “top shelf” products. Here are a few of my favorites:

2. Household Supplies

Things like dish soap, hand soap, and even laundry detergent can get pricey if you are trying to buy eco-friendly products that are safe for your family and the environment. But they make great clutter free gifts because they are items that get used up…and often. So if you know someone who uses them, that is a great gift to buy. Here are some great choices:

  • Mrs. Meyers Peony Scent all-purpose spray is great on most surfaces for fast multi-purpose cleaning. Plus it makes you house smell good!
  • Things like dish towels, wash cloths, dish cloths, and even reusable paper towels make great gifts.

With any of the household items, you could put together a cute basket full of products to give as a useful clutter free gift.

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3. Favorite Paper Products

There are just some people in the world that need to write, draw and doodle. Like me. This my creative process. I cannot use online journals and planners, so I love getting those items as gifts, because they can get expensive. My favorite paper products to get are:

4. Fresh Flowers

Did you know you can order fresh flowers on Amazon? Fresh flowers can make any home (or someone else’s home if this is a gift) look fresh and beautiful. And these fresh flower arrangements are even on Prime, so they will likely arrive at your door very quickly!

>>>Buy Flowers On Amazon

If you don’t have Prime, you can try it for 30 days for Free.

And did you know you can also give a Prime Membership as a gift? Now that is a truly clutter free gift.

Here are some other great ideas for clutter free gifts that get used up:

  • Manicure gift card
  • Pedicure gift card
  • Salon gift card

5. Hobby Supplies

Do you know someone who just loves a particular hobby? You can give them supplies that will allow them to create and do the things they love, without creating clutter in their homes. You can do this by buying them items they will use up. Things like yarn if they are knitters, essential oils for someone who loves candle making, and fondant for cake decorators.

>>>Buy Essential Oils On Amazon

6. Books

For people who love to read, one of the best things you can give them is books. And if you want those books to be truly a clutter free gift, then I suggest a Kindle Unlimited Membership for them. Kindle Unlimited is literally the gift that keeps on giving for an avid reader. They have access to millions of ebooks and audiobooks.

>>>Buy On Amazon

Clutter Free Gifts That Are Consumable

There are some real foodies out there that would be super appreciative of food gifts. They love jellies, jams, meats and cheese. Craft wines and beer are there expertise, and they love trying anything new.

Another person who may love consumable gifts is someone who is on a special diet or someone who doesn’t really have a need for anything but the finer things in life…like chocolate and wine…YUM!

1. Alcohol

You can always purchase your friend or family member a bottle of their favorite alcohol as a great clutter free gift. Some of the best grocery store wine is Decadence by Menage-A-Trois. But you could also purchase anything from their favorite vodka to their favorite Whiskey.

>>>Buy On Amazon

2. Meat

Yes. You really can purchase meat for someone. And to tell you the truth, this is one of the best gifts my husband and I have ever received. My father-in-law is all about giving things we can actually use, so he purchased us this Omaha Steaks Freezer Loader for Christmas one year. It consists of steak, chicken, beef franks, hamburgers, and even some desserts. This single consumable gift has saved us loads of money on dinners throughout the year.

>>>Buy On Amazon

3. Coffee

I love coffee, don’t you? And as a coffee lover, I love lots of different kinds of coffee. Flavored coffee, Arrabica beans vs columbian, artisian, roasted, and more! The coffee world is vast and full of different things to try. There are plenty of coffee lover boxes you can check out but a great flavored variety pack is this one by Two Rivers. With 40 different flavors to try, you will not run low on new flavor experiences. They also make a tea sampler, a chocolate coffee pack, and more. Check them out here.

>>>Buy On Amazon

4. Chocolates and Sweets

Who doesn’t love getting something sweet as a gift? And this box of Harry and David Signature Chocolate Truffles does not disappoint. I can honestly say that Harry and David Truffles and by far the best I have ever eaten. And I know my truffles. Since most of us try to stay away from sugar, I think that on special occasions, getting a clutter free gift like chocolate truffles can really make someone’s day!

>>>Buy On Amazon

5. Meat and Cheese Box

This meat and cheese box by Harry and David is the perfect clutter free gift for you or someone you know. One of my favorite places to find consumable gift baskets and gift boxes that never disappoint is Harry and David’s. I have both gifted them to others and gotten them as gifts from others and I have to say they are always delicious.

>>>Buy On Amazon

6. Diet Friendly

Sometimes it is nice to have a few diet friendly snacks on hand. Whether you are keto, vegan or just trying to eat healthy, there is a box of goodies for that. Here are a few I like:

  • Keto Snack Box– Know someone on the Keto Diet? Keto snacks can be expensive, so why not help them out by buying them this Keto Snack Box. It contains 40 different snacks that are low carb, low sugar and gluen free. >>>Buy on Amazon
  • Vegan Snack Box– A snack box by The Good Grocer Store that is Vegan (Dairy and fig free) and Gluten free, Comprised of 28 healthy snacks for anyone looking to stay on track with their vegan decisions. >>>Buy On Amazon
  • Kosterina Olive Oil– Know somebody doing the Mediterranean diet? Then they are probably using a lot of olive oil. And good olive oil can be hard to find. Kosterina is a site that has authentic greek olive oil with high polyphenols for extra health benefits. You may even just want some for yourself. Sold through Whole Foods on Amazon. >>>Buy On Amazon

Experience Gift Ideas That Are Clutter Free

Gifts that are not things can be just as rewarding and wanted as gifts that are things.  Many people who have kids…with little time, and little money, would love to just have a day or night out to have some fun.

Here are some examples of gifts you can give that are not things:

1. Concert Tickets

Know someone who loves music or concerts? Or maybe they just haven’t been to something fun in a while? Vivid Seats is the perfect way to see what concerts are in your surrounding area this year so you an take someone you love to a great show.

2. Play Tickets

Vivid Seats also has tickets for plays, operas, ballets and more. You can find out all that Vivid Seats offers by clicking here.

3. Gift Cards

Who can’t use money as a gift? The trick to making it a special gift instead of what you pulled out of your wallet at the last minute is by purchasing a gift card they will love. Maybe they love eating out but never go because they don’t want to spend the money. Giving them a gift card to a restaurant is the perfect way to make sure they spend that gift card on themselves and not groceries for the family. My favorite place to buy gift cards online is from Gift Card Mall. You could literally get all your holiday shopping done here in one day if you wanted to!

4. Day Trips and Outings

There are probably some super fun things to do in your home town that you have never even heard of. A great way to check out what is happening and if there is a good deal on it is through Groupon. Groupon is a great way to purchase discount deals in your area and also my favorite place to purchase unique event gifts. You an find anything from Skydiving packages to Riverboat rides, from Spa Facials to Family Segway Tours. There are so many options, you are bound to find something fun to gift as a great clutter free gift.

Here are some examples of fun things you can find to do on Groupon:

  • Riverboat Ride
  • Parasailing
  • Bungee Jumping
  • Skydiving
  • Snorkeling
  • Scuba Lessons
  • Cooking Lessons
  • Wine Tasting
  • Vacation
  • Weekend Getaway
  • Ziplining
  • Camping
  • Massage or Spa Experience
  • Family Photos

Subscription Gifts that Are Clutter Free

Do you know someone who loves TV shows? Loves reading? Loves Music? Then you can purchase them a membership, or pay for a portion of their membership as a gift. Here are a few memberships I love:

Kindle Unlimited Membership Plans

Charitable Gifts On Another’s Behalf Are Clutter Free

There are so many people, families, and kids in need. Not only in other countries or even other states, but right where you live.

We can all become better and more giving people by taking the money we would give to someone who already has everything, and instead giving to someone in need in their behalf.

  • Donate to a local charity on someone else’s behalf.
  • Buy a grocery subscription for a person who is in need and then pay for it all year.
  • Donate to an International Charity on someone’s behalf.
  • Buy winter coats and warm clothing for a family in need on someone’s behalf.
  • Give to an animal shelter on someone’s behalf.

Then give the person you are making this charitable donation for, a nice card or letter explaining what you did and why.

Clutter Free Gift Ideas

When you are trying to think of a clutter free gift for someone, think about the person who will be receiving that gift.  What are some things that they use daily or regularly?  What are some of their favorite foods or drinks?

Believe it or not, while gifts are nice when we are young, many times as we get older, we just love the idea of not having to buy all the things we use all the time.  That is why things like gift cards and money are often times so appreciated.

Also as we all get older and have more responsibilities like kids and bills to pay, sometimes just a nice night out is a great gift.

What To Do When You Get A Gift That Will Cause Clutter In Your Home

If you receive a gift that is not clutter free, you have three options about what to do with it.  You can:

  1. Keep it
  2. Donate it
  3. Re-gift it

What To Do When Someone Insists On Buying You A Gift

I know many people that love buying gifts.  To them, it is not a special day for you unless you get some sort of physical present.  They believe that a gift is what makes the day special.

And you are appreciative of the heartfelt gifts they give, but you just don’t really need them.

So if you know someone who insists on buying you gifts every year for different occasions, try doing these things…

  1. Keep a running list of things you could actually use or need so you can tell the people that want to buy things for you.
  2. Ask for items that are on the local women’s shelter wishlist, and then donate them.
  3. Ask them to make a donation to charity in your name.

kids subscription boxes

Some Clutter Free Gift Ideas For Kids

A great option for kids who are into science is a subscription box by KIWICO.  KIWICO creates age appropriate science themed boxes that are interactive and engaging for kids.  >>>Click Here to see the KIWICO Kit options

In Conclusion

Clutter free gifts are becoming more normal in or current society due to the fact that so many of us have so much. And in reality, we don’t need more THINGS.

Giving a gift like an experience or a donation can change someone’s life. So you should truly consider it.

Happy Gifting!


P.S. – Make sure you can refer back to this post easily for Clutter Free Gift Ideas by Pinning it!

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