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The Best 15 Toys To Keep Kids Busy For Years To Come

toys to keep kids busy

These are the BEST 15 toys I have ever bought for my kids! They are toys that over the years, they never stopped playing with! So I want you to know what they are so you can stop buying and buying more and more toys! So here are the 15 toys to keep you kids busy for years to come!

Need to start decluttering some of the toys you have already bought! Grab this list of 129 things to declutter from your home TODAY!

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toys to keep kids bus

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Why Buy Better Toys?

As a mom myself, I know that your home can become filled with toys over the years that may or may not have even been played with. Moms have it rough when it comes to toy clutter.

But because we are home all day with our kids we want to make sure there are plenty of things for them to do.

The problem is, we buy and buy and buy for our kids hoping we will find toys to keep our kids busy and they never get tired of playing with, only to find that is a hard task to achieve.

In the end, we just wind up with tons of toy clutter.

What makes a toy to keep kids busy?

A toy that keeps kids busy is one that is good for them to play with at almost any age.

That normally means that they are going to be higher priced gifts, but in the end, if you spend the money on these gifts now, you may not have to buy as many of the small trivial gifts that your kids never play with in the future.

kids toys

Top 3 Toys To Keep Kids Busy For Years To Come

When it comes to buying toys, I have found a few gems in my time as a mom. Here are 3 great toys that my kids loved and never stopped playing with. Even now that they are a lot older.

1. Jump House

My kids played in this bouncy house until they were 10 and 13! For years, they would go down in the basement after we had put it away and drag it back out. This gift was a good investment beause it was the gift that kept on giving for years after we bought it. Plus it could be used in your basement or outside for play in any weather.

2. Playground Set

So my husband and I actually made the huge mistake of never buying our kids a playground set. We believed it would be a wasted investment. But oh how we were wrong. Our neighbors bought a playground set for their backyard. And my kids STILL play on it at age 11 and 14.

Why was it a mistake…because our kids spend most spring, summer, and fall days at our neighbor’s house on their playset. So don’t make the mistake we made.

If you want a toy to keep kids busy for years to come, this playset is an excellent way to do that.

3. Apple iPad

While I am not big on letting my kids use their electronics all day, there are some benefits to them.

  1. During the summer and school breaks my kids can still talk to their friends and set up playdates.
  2. Believe it or not, there are some great games on IPADS that help kids learn. (seriously!)
  3. When they are at a friend’s house or grandparent’s house, I can call them, and they can call me using facetime (because I have this iPhone 12 so facetime is free).

So as long as you are a parent that can keep track of how much time your child is spending on this device and keep it to a minimum, I see no reason why a child should not have one.

Plus, they are the ONE toy that can keep them busy when you need to get something important done.

Other Toys That Will Keep Kids Busy

So I mentioned the very best toys for keeping your kids busy and always having something to do above. But there are plenty of other “not so expensive” and smaller gifts as well.

Garmin VivoFit Jr. Watch and Activity Tracker

My son never leaves home without this VivoFit Jr. by Garmin. He loves it because:

  • it has a Spiderman print that is red (his favorite color)
  • that he can set timers so he knows how long it takes him to do things
  • he can tell time on it because it is digital
  • and best of all, he can compete with me for steps during the day (he also competes with his friend)

Buy This VivoFit Watch by Garmin

Toy Nerf Gun

One of the best family fun times we ever have is when we have a full out Nerf War! We have enough Nerf guns in our house for us each to have one and we run around blasting each other for hours at a time. Not only that, but it is a gift with no true age limit, which means they will be able to use this Nerf gun for a long time without getting bored!

Buy This Nerf Gun On Amazon

A Good Kids Bike

Almost every kid loves riding bikes.

In our neighborhood, we have a lot of hills. Needless to say, it was really hard for my kids to peddle up the hills when they were little. But now that they are older, they love going to the top of the hill and flying down it!

Not only that, but we have a bike trail near our house, so we can take family bike rides anytime we want.

Speaking from experience, I recommend buying a bike that is a little too big for your child right now. That way, when they go through that growth spurt in the next month or two, you don’t feel like you wasted your money on a bike that is now too small.

View Different Kids Bikes On Amazon

Adjustable Basketball Hoop

This basketball hoop is a great toy that your kids will never get tired of for many reasons. First of all, the hoop moves up and down so when your kids are little or just want to dunk the ball like Michael Jordan or Steph Curry, they can.

Also, this hoop has seen a ton of family basketball games, so even mom and dad get some use our of it.

And third, a great way to get your kids outside is to give them a reason to go out there. If your child is at all interested in basketball, then an adjustable hoop is a great purchase.

Buy This Basketball Hoop on Amazon

Razor Scooters

To this day, my kids still love to ride these Razor scooters around the neighborhood. They are fast and well made. Scooters give them an alternative to their bikes but they can still keep up with everyone else.

We did have to upgrade to a bigger size at one point, but if you want your kids to get outside and do something…then a scooter is perfect for that.

Buy This Razor Scooter On Amazon

Deluxe Slip and slide

I know this is a summer item, but it is always a huge hit at our house all summer long. I have never regretted buying this because every year when the weather warms up, it is the first thing they ask to get out.

Buy This Slip and Slide on Amazon

Ultimate Slime Kit

I guess it is possible that you don’t know what “slime” is, or how to make it, but my guess is . . . probably not if you have kids. 😉

This ultimate slime kit is one of my kids’ favorite things to play with. They are old enough now that they can do it on their own. But even when they were little, that was one thing they were constantly asking me to do with them…slime…who knew?

This particular kit comes with everything they need and more to make the slime however they want it. Different colors, textures, and even smells come with this ultimate slime kit.

Buy This Ultimate Slime Kit on Amazon

Nintendo Switch

Again, I am not a huge fan of electronics, but this Nintendo Switch is one gift that both my kids love. They play Minecraft on it and create their own homes and worlds that they are very proud of. And the best part, they actually play it together and get along…well, most of the time.

Buy Your Kid’s Nintendo Switch on Amazon


Again, one of my kid’s favorite games to play together and be creative. So if you are going to get the Nintendo Switch, I would definitely get them this Minecraft game as well.

Buy Minecraft On Amazon


When we first bought Zingo, my son was probably only 2 and my daughter 4.5. But they could both play this game and both absolutely loved it.

The game is a simple matching game, but with an added twist. Whoever grabs the chip they need first, gets to put it on their own bingo card. We have had a lot of laughs from this game.

Buy Zingo Here


Jenga is a great game for any age because you don’t have to be able to read, or count, or even know your shapes. You just play and wait for the tower to fall. Which is always fun. 🙂

>>Click Here To Buy Jenga


We have been playing Uno with our kids since they were about 4 years old. My kids love it mostly because they know they actually have a chance at beating mom and dad.

Not to mention, they have learned their numbers and colors because of this game. And we still play it now as a family.

>>Click Here To Buy Uno

Disney Princess Yatzee Jr and Spiderman Yatzee Jr.

Yatzee Jr. is a game that my family still plays to this day. We got the game when my son was 4 and now my kids are 11 and 14 and we still play this game.

The version we have is the ‘Toy Story’ version but they don’t make that one anymore.

Instead, I found this Disney Princess Yatzee Jr which my daughter would have loved. And this Spiderman Yatzee Jr. that both my kids would have loved! Any game that you find that your child loves is a great toy investment becuase you know that it is something your kids and family will continue to have fun with over and over again.

>>Click Here To Buy Princess Yatzee Junior

>>Click Here To Buy Spiderman Yatzee Junior

Dress Up Clothes for Girls

When my daughter was little, she couldn’t wait to put on dresses and high heels. Now, I can’t even get her to wear a dress for Christmas. Anyhow, she had a trunk full of princess dresses and costume jewelry to put on every day.

>>Click Here To Buy Dress Up Clothes For Girls

Princess Shoes

You can’t very well be a Princess if you don’t have the shoes. And let me tell you, it didn’t matter to my daughter if she had on her dresses as much as it mattered to have on her heels! She would wear them everywhere, she would even try to wear them to the park!

>>Click Here To Buy Princess Shoes

Boys Dress Up Costumes

Let’s not forget that boys love to dress up too. Whether your son loves super heroes, firefighters, or police officers, there is a great costume out there to help them feel just like the figures they love so much. This dress up set combines the idea of superheroes and service figures in the community into one set of costumes.

>>Buy These Boys Dress Up Costumes on Amazon

I truly hope this list helps you buy that perfect gift for your kids this year. Toys your kids will never get tired of playing with.


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