
14 No-Fail Ways To Meet Other Moms In Your Area So You Don’t Miss Out On Life

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How To Meet Other Moms

Meeting other moms when you are a stay at home mom can be difficult. You are home with a baby, but all of your friends are still working.  Wouldn’t it be nice if everyone in your current tribe could get pregnant and have their babies at the same time as you!  Then you wouldn’t feel so utterly alone and disconnected from the world.

But don’t become a depressed stay at home mom with no friends!  Get out there and meet some people! There are moms EVERYWHERE and I assure you, they are interested in meeting people too because they are lonely as well.

Meet Other Moms

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How To Meet Other Moms In Your Area:

I can remember wanting to meet moms in my area. An this was before there were apps like ‘Meet Up’ and websites like Facebook (yeah, I am that old!…it goes fast!) But when I finally started putting myself out there, I found moms everywhere that wanted to talk, hang out, get the kids together, you name it! Here are some great places to start meeting other moms near you!

1. Start In Your Own Neighborhood

To meet other parents in your area, you may want to start close to home. Your own neighborhood may be teeming with moms who would love to have a friend.

But you have to take some steps to find out. Take walks, invite people over, play with your child outside, or start a FB group for the neighborhood. You can also simply walk to the bus stop with your kids. All of these ideas can help you meet others in your area.

School Bus

2. Meet Moms By Heading To The School

Sign up for the PTA or PTO, talk to people at drop off and pick up, talk to people at the bus stop, volunteer for activities at the school, become room mother, help plan the holiday parties! 

All of these activities will help you meet loads of other moms. And they will most likely have kids around the same age as yours.

3. Use Facebook To Meet Other Moms

Get on Facebook and search for mom groups in your area.  They will most likely have activities and events that you can attend with your child. 

This is a great way to find play dates in your area since the online moms normally like to meet up outside the house.

And, the more you do with the group, the more moms you will meet that have kids around the age of your kids.

4. Plan Your Own Playdate

This can fall under the “use facebook” category as well.  Put out a post on Facebook to have a playdate at a park for any moms in the area who have kids from age x to age y.  Then, request that people share the post.

You will be amazed by how many people will respond to your “advertisement”.

And if you need some activity ideas, here is a list of 84 FREE things you can do at this playdate!

Or plan a playdate for the other moms that live near you.

5. Put Yourself Out There

This can be hard especially if you are an introvert, but sometimes you just have to put yourself out there.  The Facebook Ad is a great way, but also by taking the initiative to show up “alone with your child” at activities and events. 

What I mean, is that you don’t have the safety net of friends at this point, so you and your child will be riding solo to these events.  Bonus…most of the other moms will be as well! Giving you the perfect opportunity to talk to them.

6. Say Yes To Invites

When someone invites you to a play date or a party at their house where kids are welcome, say YES!  Even if you do not wind up liking the host, you may find some other moms that you click with.

7. Meet The Parents

Odds are that your child is going to come home a million times asking to have a playdate with some kid in their class.  So, set it up. Give your number to your child to give to the other child and therefore their parent. When they call or text you, set up a playdate at the park or somewhere fun that the kids can play and the parents can talk and get to know each other.

8. Sign Your Child Up:

Whether it’s sports, drawing camp, or classes, signing your child up for things helps you meet parents that are doing the same thing as your child.  Strike up a conversation about if their kid has ever done this class or played on this team before? And before you know it you will be talking to them every time you drop your child off.

9. Find Local Mom Groups To Meet Other Moms

Do a search for “Moms Group” or “Stay at Home Moms Group” in your area.  Then find out when they are having events and attend a few with your child.

10. Join A Book Club

Maybe you are just looking for a group of women to hang with, without the kids. Check out book clubs in your area. They are a great way to get you out of the house and and meet some moms in your area. Sometimes they don’t even care if you read the book before you come.

11. Mommy And Me Classes

Attending Mommy and Me classes is a great way to meet other moms with young children.  When my daughter was young, we did these all the time. Music classes, story-time, craft classes, tumbling.  They were all lots of fun for myself and my daughter.

12. Public Library

The public library is a great place to go with your kids when they are little.  Not only can you read to them and pick out a few new books to take home, but many libraries have a play area, story-time, and crafts for the kids.  And the best part is that they are all FREE! That is like music to the ears of a Stay at Home mom on a budget! 

Believe it or not, this is how I met the first stay at home mom that I became great friends with.

13. Best Apps For Moms To Meet Other Moms

If you would rather let technology find your new mom friends, then check out these great apps and social sites.

Meetup App, Peanut App, Mom Life, Hello Mamas, Momsco, Moms Meetup, Mamaleave, and Social.mom.

Some of these suggestions are apps, others are membership sites. 


14. Mom’s Night Out

Once you have met some moms by using the steps above, seal your mom friendship by going out without the kids!  Plan a fun “Moms Night Out” where you can get a few drinks, chat it up girl style, and not go home until dad has put the kids in bed!

Learning How To Meet Other Moms In Your Area

Meeting other moms in your area can create a better life for you and your child in the long run. Not only does meeting other moms help with your own mental well being, it also helps your child learn how to interact with other kids appropriately. This will eventually help with the transition into school, and possibly even lessen school anxiety.

Thanks for reading,


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